Spreading Service From The Heart

Andrea Couttenye’s life was changed in May 2018 during her first trip to Johannesburg, South Africa when she learned of Botshabelo orphanage.

Touched and saddened by the predicaments of the children living at the orphanage, Andrea, a Playa Hotels & Resorts attorney based in Fairfax, Virginia dedicated her personal time as well as her VTO (volunteer time off) days to supporting Botshabelo’s main purpose of giving rural orphans—most of whom lost their guardians to AIDS or have AIDS themselves—a home, an education and a chance at a better life. No small feat for a community in the backroads of a country that has little to no long-term sustainability.

Together in part with the support of the local community and the team at Playa Hotels & Resorts in Virginia, Andrea has been able to complete several noteworthy efforts for Botshabelo including:

- Administration of deworming medication to children

- The purchase and donation of 60 double student desks, 40 chairs and school supplies for 250 children that attend the school

- Collection and distribution of new and gently used clothing

In addition to donations, Andrea and her family have spent time at the orphanage during overnight stays to have a greater impact on the population through teaching basic trade skills including sewing and mending. Knowing that little touches also go a long way, she prepared hot chocolate (a delicacy not widely accessible for the children) and hosted a movie night where her and the children watched a movie via a tablet, an unknown luxury within the community these children live.

Through the project, Andrea believes that she has found her greater purpose to serve and make a difference through instilling practical skills to communities less fortunate.

“I’m incredibly grateful to Playa for not only allowing us all the opportunity to pursue our dreams but, most importantly, for instilling in us—by example—the importance to make a difference, even if small, in the communities where we live and in the lives of those much less fortunate than us. I’m very proud to be part of the Playa family and of the values it holds dear.”

Andrea’s story is an exemplary example of an associate living Playa’s values throughout everyday life. A sincere thank you to Andrea and her family for spreading Service From The Heart at a global level.

To learn more about Botshabelo, visit http://www.botshabelo.org/about.html

Side bar: Botshabelo, a home for children, was founded over 20 years ago by Con and Marion Cloete, who together with their daughters, run the day-to-day operation along with the adjacent school.